“Health care is more than looking after patients. It is looking after the Earth and the environment.”
about david shearman and his interests
David Shearman is Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He studied medicine and science at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
With the late Professor Tony McMichael he founded Doctors for the Environment Australia.
Until his retirement David Shearman was a physician and gastroenterologist with the belief "Patients come first".
Climate change caused by economic growth, consumerism and the increasing population of the world now threatens the integrity of the biological Earth. Our life support systems, the ecological services in the soil and the sea, upon which we depend for food, are sick and many are dying.
The health impacts of climate change are already upon us with an increase in deaths from heat stroke and the natural disasters of flood, storm and fire. Many societies are becoming unstable because of drought and there is suffering from stress, depression and the migration of populations.
This site illustrates books and articles that describe these events and the feeble human responses to these threats. Exposed are the inadequate role of governments, individuals and academia in addressing these issues and suggestions are made for reforms in economic and governance systems and in democracy itself.
Desecrated Cathedral
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